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Cacao Junajpu is a small artisanal company. 

We are passionate about cacao, and we are passionate and grateful to the life and plentitude it provides. 

It is our collective mission here at Cacao Junajpu to produce a magical, delicious and sustainable chocolate; a balanced, integral food, taking into account all the factors that allow us to do so with great respect and care. 

Our passion for chocolate is total.  That simple.  And that’s how we like to keep our chocolate.   Simple.  

If you are in town, stop by the workshop inside CAOBA FARMS 

We'll be happy to show you around, and have a good chat about everything cacao. 

Plus, there are always samples!

Founder ~ Gg

"When I started my Journey with the Maya in 2000, it led me to cacao.  I have been working with cacao and my Maya friends side by side since then; learning, growing, polishing both myself, and our process with cacao.   I was initiated as a Maya Daykeeper, an Ajq'ij, 15 years ago.   The connections between Cacao Junajpu and the Maya, both past and present, are deep-rooted-  With a profound respect and honor for tradition, we continue to explore ancient times, while addressing contemporary needs and reinvesting in our communities and the Earth for a sustainable, balanced future."

A documentary with me in it from France 5  (click to open youtube)

See some images from our ceremonial work here:  MAYA CEREMONIES
Tikuyu Numak Qatit Qamama Tabana Utzil Nana', Tabana Utzil Tat ~ Matyox!!!

Organic, ceremonial, cacao


Our Workshop

ceremonial cacao
Cacao ceremony, Maya
Store Locations:


Caoba Farms: 5ta Ave. Final Sur #6

Cafe la escalonia: 5ta Ave Sur #36

Sabe Rico: 4ta. Avenida Norte con 3era calle 

Samsara: 6 calle #3  (corner of 7 avenida)

Amanecer: 6a. Avenida Sur # 8


San Marcos La Laguna
Tienda San Jose:In front of the b-ball court

Blind Lemons

4x4 Tours to the CACAO farm
With our friends at NEW WORLD SAFARI
Our Workshop:

5a Ave Sur, #6

(Inside the Caoba Farms store)

    +502-5052-7044 (WhatsApp)

HOURS: 8:00-17:00 Tuesday-Sunday

instagram chcoclate
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